The Epi Info™ Visual Dashboard complements Classic Analysis with a more modern, graphically-oriented interface for configuring analytical tools and displaying their results. Whereas the largely text-based output of Classic Analysis accumulates in a scrolling output page, with HTML anchors to facilitate navigation, the analytical tools in Visual Dashboard, known as "gadgets", are intended to be positioned on a canvas, like gauges on a dashboard, allowing the user to take in the status of the project in a single view. While Visual Dashboard does not support programming for automated processing, the ability to update the analyses (with a single button-click) when new data becomes available, eliminates the need for it, in all but the most sophisticated use cases. The requirements for this module are divided into three sections. Navigation covers the navigation and status bars located at the top and bottom, respectively, of the Visual Dashboard window. Canvas discusses the requirements for functionality residing in the Dashboard itself. The final section, Menu Commands, covers the tools accessed from the master menu including populating the canvas with gadgets, charts, and calculators, as well as loading and saving canvas and project data. In many cases, there are multiple ways to access a given functionality between, and even within, the canvas and navigation bars. The first two sections indicate how the various functions are accessed; Menu Commands describes the functions in detail. |