


EIR-69 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Reviewed For
Conventional spacing between sections2016-08-31


The gadget is the key element of Visual Dashboard (VD). All other functions described in Navigation, Canvas, and Menu Commands exist to prepare data for analysis by these gadgets. The gadgets, used here in the generic sense, are divided into four groups on the Dashboard Options menu: Analysis gadgets, StatCalc calculators, NutStat growth charts, and Report gadgets. The Analysis gadgets are similar to the familiar Statistics and Advanced Statistics commands in Classic Analysis (CA) that encompass both descriptive and inferential statistics. The StatCalc calculators are used to estimate the sample size and power of various study designs and statistical tests commonly used in epidemiology. The NutStat growth charts are plotting tools which combine CDC and WHO reference data on infant and child development with the ability to plot chronological data from an individual on the same graph. This facilitates the comparison of the subject's growth over time to percentile curves from the reference samples. Finally, the Report gadgets provide a mechanism for labeling and annotating the Dashboard, as well as any files and hard-copies created from it.

The tables in the Data Analysis Command Reference show the correspondence between VD and CA commands and analyses that are unique to each module. Functions not available in CA include StatCalc (also available as a stand-alone module) and NutStat (only available in VD); both are integral components of the Dashboard.



Each gadget has a configuration panel that appears when the gadget is selected from the Options Menu (cf. Menu Commands) or when the user clicks on the configuration icon of a gadget already on the Canvas. The following tables summarizes the configuration options for each analysis gadget, StatCalc calculator, and NutStat growth chart. The column "Right Mouse Button Menu Options" refers to the options listed when the user right-clicks over the gadget. Depending on the gadget, the menu enables the user to copy data or graphics to the clipboard or a file, as well as center the gadget, move it behind other objects on the Canvas, or close it entirely.

Configuration Options for Analytical Gadgets 

GadgetSubtypeConfigurationParametersRight Mouse Button Menu OptionsUser Guide
Line List


  1. Variables to Display (list of all variables)
  1. Copy List Data to Clipboard
  2. Send List Data to Web Browser
  3. Send List Data to Excel
  4. Remove all Sort Criteria
  5. Send List to Back[1]
  6. Center Horizontally
  7. Close Line List

Grouping and Sorting
  1. Grouping
    1. Group by
    2. Sub-Group by
  2. Sorting
    1. Method
    2. Variables
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Max width
    2. Max height
    3. Max variable name length
    4. Max rows to display
  3. Output Options
    1. [ ][2] Sort variables by tab order
    2. [ ] Use field prompts
    3. [ ] Display list labels
    4. [ ] Show line columns
    5. [ ] Show column headings
    6. [ ] Show missing representation
Data Filters[9]
  1. Data Filters (Filter Configuration)
    1. Value of Field Name
    2. Operator
    3. Value
  2. Filter List
    1. Join operator (AND or OR)

  1. Frequency of: (list of all variables)
  2. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  1. Copy Data to Clipboard
  2. Send Data to Web Browser
  3. Send Data to Excel
  4. Send Gadget to Back
  5. Close this Gadget


Grouping and Sorting
  1. Grouping
    1. Stratify by: (list of all variables)
  2. Sorting
    1. Method
      1. [ ] Sort high to low
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display all list values
    2. [ ] Display list labels
    3. [ ] Include missing values
    4. [ ] Use field prompts
    5. [ ] Draw borders
    6. [ ] Draw header row
    7. [ ] Draw total row
    8. Decimals to display (int)[0-4]
    9. Maximum rows to display (int)
    10. Max width of percent bar (int)
  3. Output Columns to Display
    1. [ ] Frequency
    2. [ ] Percent
    3. [ ] Cumulative percent
    4. [ ] 95% CI lower
    5. [ ] 95% CI upper
    6. [ ] Percent bars
Word Cloud

  1. Variable to Parse (list of all variables)
  2. Common Words to Ignore (text box)
  1. Copy Data to Clipboard
  2. Send Data to Web Browser
  3. Send Data to Excel
  4. Send Gadget to Back
  5. Close this Gadget


  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
Combined Frequency

  1. Variables to Display (list of group variables)
  1. Copy Data to Clipboard
  2. Send Data to Web Browser
  3. Send Data to Excel
  4. Send Gadget to Back
  5. Close this Gadget


Grouping and Sorting
  1. Grouping
    1. Combine mode, choice of:
      1. Automatic
      2. Boolean
      3. Categorical
  2. Sorting
    1. Method
      1. [ ] sort high to low
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Output Options
    1. [ ] show denominator

M × M / 2 × 2 Table

  1. Exposure (list of all variables)
  2. Outcome Variable (list of all variables)
  3. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  4. Stratify by (list of all variables), multi-select
  1. Copy Data to Clipboard
  2. Send Data to Web Browser
  3. Send Data to Excel
  4. Send Gadget to Back
  5. Close this Gadget


2 × 2 Value Mapping
  1. Map Exposure and Outcome Values to:
    1. "Yes", or
    2. "No".
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display all list values
    2. [ ] Display list labels
    3. [ ] Use field prompts
    4. [ ] Include missing values
    5. [ ] Outcome is continuous
    6. [ ] Smart 2 × 2 table
    7. [ ] Show strata summary only
    8. [ ] Display chi-square
    9. [ ] Row / Column percents
    10. [ ] Horizontal 2 × 2 summary
    11. Max column name length(int)[3]
Colors & Styles
  1. Colors
    1. [ ] Conditional cell shading
    2. Color gradient [4]
Matched Pair Case-Control

  1. Exposure (list of all variables)
  2. Case/Control (list of all variables)
  3. Pair Group ID (list of all variables)
  1. Copy Data to Clipboard
  2. Send Data to Web Browser
  3. Send Data to Excel
  4. Send Gadget to Back
  5. Close this Gadget


Define Value Mappings
  1. Map Exposure and Case/Control Values to:
    1. "Yes", or
    2. "No".
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description

  1. Means of (list of numeric variables)
  2. Cross-tabulate by (list of all variables)
  3. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  4. Stratify by (list of all variables), multi-select
  1. Copy Data to Clipboard
  2. Send Data to Web Browser
  3. Send Data to Excel
  4. Send Gadget to Back
  5. Close this Gadget

  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Outcome Columns to Display
    1. [ ] Observations
    2. [ ] Total
    3. [ ] Mean
    4. [ ] Variance
    5. [ ] Standard Deviation
    6. [ ] Minimum
    7. [ ] 25%
    8. [ ] Median
    9. [ ] 75%
    10. [ ] Maximum
    11. [ ] Mode
    12. [ ] Display ANOVA statistics
    13. Decimals to display: [0-4][5](int)
Duplicates List

  1. Key Fields for Duplicate Checking (list of all variables)
  2. Additional Fields to Display (list of all variables)
  1. Copy List Data to Clipboard
  2. Send List Data to Web Browser
  3. Send List Data to Excel
  4. Remove all Sort Criteria
  5. Send List to Back[1]
  6. Center Horizontally
  7. Close Line List

  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Max width (int)
    2. Max height (int)
  3. Output Options
    1. Sort variables by tab order
    2. Use field prompts
    3. Display list labels
    4. Show row numbers
    5. Show column headings
    6. Show missing representation

Right Mouse Button Menu Options[12]

User Guide


  1. Main Variable (list of all variables)
  2. One Graph for Each Value of (list of all variables)
  3. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  1. Copy all chart data to clipboard
  2. Send to web browser
  3. Selected Chart: [7]
  4. Save chart as image...
  5. Copy chart image to clipboard
  6. Copy chart data to clipboard
  7. Send gadget to back
  8. Close this gadget

Grouping and Sorting[13]
  1. Grouping
    1. Stratify by (list of all variables), multi-select
  2. Sorting
    1. Method [ ] Sort high to low
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int)
  3. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display all list values
    2. [ ] Display list labels
    3. [ ] Use reference value
    4. [ ] Show annotations
    5. [ ] Show annotations (Y2)
Colors and Styles
  1. Colors
    1. [ ] Different bar colors
    2. Color palette[6]
  2. Styles
    1. [ ] Show grid lines
    2. Composition, options:
      1. Side-by-side
      2. Stacked
      3. Stacked 100
      4. Space between bars, options:
      5. Default
      6. None
      7. Small
      8. Medium
      9. Large
    3. Orientation, options:
      1. Vertical
      2. Horizontal
    4. Bar type, options:
      1. Block
      2. Cylinder
      3. Rectangle
      4. Rounded block
  1. Title and Subtitle
    1. Chart title (text)
    2. Chart subtitle
  2. Y-Axis
    1. Y-axis label
    2. Y-axis format
    3. Y-axis label font size
    4. Y-axis data values font size
    5. Y-axis min value
    6. Y-axis max value
    7. Y-axis step value
  3. Y2-Axis
    1. Second y-axis type, options:
      1. none
      2. single field
      3. rate per 100k population
      4. cumulative percent
    2. Second y-axis variable (list of numeric variables)
    3. Y2-axis label
    4. Y2-axis legend title
    5. Y2-axis format
    6. Line type (Y2) [auto, polygon, smooth, step]
    7. Line dash style (Y2), options
      1. solid
      2. dash
      3. dash dot
      4. dash dot dot
      5. dot
    8. Line thickness (Y2) [1-5] (int)
  4. X-Axis
    1. X-axis label type, options:
      1. automatic
      2. field prompt
      3. none
      4. custom
    2. X-axis label
    3. X-axis label font size
    4. X-axis data values font-size
    5. X-axis start value
    6. X-axis end value
    7. X-axis angle
  1. [ ] Show legend
  2. [ ] Show legend border
  3. [ ] Show variable names
  4. Legend font size (int)
  5. Legend placement [left, right, top, bottom]

  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int)
  3. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display all list values
    2. [ ] Display list labels
    3. [ ] Include missing values
    4. [ ] Show annotations
    5. [ ] Show annotations (Y2)
    6. [ ] Use reference value
  1. Copy all chart data to clipboard
  2. Send to web browser
  3. Selected Chart: [7]
  4. Save chart as image...
  5. Copy chart image to clipboard
  6. Copy chart data to clipboard
  7. Send gadget to back
  8. Close this gadget
Colors and Styles
  1. Colors
    1. Color palette
  2. Styles
    1. Line type [auto, polygon, smooth, step]
    2. Line thickness: [1-5] (int)

  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int)
  3. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display all list values
    2. [ ] Display list labels
    3. [ ] Include missing values
    4. [ ] Show annotations (Y2)
    5. [ ] Use reference value
    6. [ ] Show series lines
    7. [ ] Show grid lines
  1. Copy all chart data to clipboard
  2. Send to web browser
  3. Selected Chart: [7]
  4. Save chart as image...
  5. Copy chart image to clipboard
  6. Copy chart data to clipboard
  7. Send gadget to back
  8. Close this gadget
Colors and Styles
  1. Colors
    1. add following to Column Chart options:
    2. Transparency % (top): (int) [0-100]
    3. Transparency % (bottom): (int) [0-100]


  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int)
  3. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display all list values
    2. [ ] Display list labels
    3. [ ] Show high to low
    4. [ ] Show annotations
    5. [ ] Show annotation label
    6. [ ] Show annotation value
    7. [ ] Show annotation percent
  1. Copy all chart data to clipboard
  2. Send to web browser
  3. Selected Chart: [7]
  4. Save chart as image...
  5. Copy chart image to clipboard
  6. Copy chart data to clipboard
  7. Send gadget to back
  8. Close this gadget

Colors and Styles
  1. Colors
    1. Color palette
  2. Styles
    1. Chart kind, options:
      1. pie 2D
      2. pie 3D
      3. donut 2D
      4. donut 3D
    2. Annotation percent: [0-100] (int)
  1. Title and Subtitle
    1. Chart title (text)
    2. Chart subtitle

Aberration Detection

  1. Date (list of Date variables)
  2. Count (optional): (list of numeric variables)
  3. Lag time (days): (int)
  4. Threshold (Std Deviations) (int)
  5. Process records this many days prior: (int)
  1. Save chart as image
  2. Copy chart image to clipboard
  3. Copy all data to clipboard
  4. Copy aberration data to clipboard
  5. Send aberration data to Excel

Grouping and Sorting
  1. Grouping
    1. Indicators (list of all variables)
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int) 
  1. Title and Subtitle
    1. Chart title
  2. Y-Axis
    1. Y-axis label
    2. Y-axis font size
    3. Y-axis values font size
  3. X-Axis
    1. A-axis label type
    2. X-axis label
    3. X-axis label font size
    4. X-axis data values font size


  1. Main Variable (list of all variables)
  2. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  1. Send to web browser
  2. Save chart as image
  3. Copy chart data to clipboard
  4. Copy chart image to clipboard
  5. Send gadget to back
  6. Close this gadget

  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int)
  3. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display list labels
    2. [ ] Include missing values
    3. [ ] Use reference value
    4. [ ] Show annotations
    5. [ ] Show gridlines
Colors and Styles
  1. Colors
    1. Color palette
  2. Styles
    1. Space between bars, options:
      1. Default
      2. None
      3. Small
      4. Medium
      5. Large
    2. Bar type, options:
      1. Block
      2. Cylinder
      3. Rectangle
      4. Rounded block
  1. Title and Subtitle
    1. Chart title
    2. Chart subtitle
  2. Y-Axis
    1. Y-axis label
    2. Y-axis font size
    3. Y-axis values font size
  3. X-Axis
    1. A-axis label type
    2. X-axis label
    3. X-axis angle
    4. X-axis label font size
    5. X-axis data values font size


  1. Main variable (list of numeric variables)
  2. Outcome variable (list of numeric variables)
  1. Send to web browser
  2. Save chart as image
  3. Copy chart data to clipboard
  4. Copy chart image to clipboard
  5. Send gadget to back
  6. Close this gadget

  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int)
Colors and Styles
  1. Colors
    1. Color palette
  2. Styles
    1. Marker type, options:
      1. circle
      2. cross
      3. diamond
      4. square
  1. Title and Subtitle
    1. Chart title
    2. Chart subtitle
  2. Y-Axis
    1. Y-axis label
  3. X-Axis
    1. A-axis label type
    2. X-axis label
    3. X-axis angle

Epi Curve

  1. Main Variable (list of date variables)
  2. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  3. One graph for each value of (list of all variables)
  4. Step (int)
  5. Interval (minute, hour, day, month, year)
  6. Start value (int)
  7. End value (int)
  1. Copy all chart data to clipboard
  2. Send to web browser
  3. Selected Chart: [7]
  4. Save chart as image...
  5. Copy chart image to clipboard
  6. Copy chart data to clipboard
  7. Send gadget to back
  8. Close this gadget

Grouping and Sorting
  1. Grouping
    1. Stratify by (list of all variables)
  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description
  2. Dimensions
    1. Width (int)
    2. Height (int)
  3. Output Options
    1. [ ] Display all list values
    2. [ ] Display list labels
    3. [ ] Include missing values
    4. [ ] Use reference value
    5. [ ] Show annotations
    6. [ ] Show annotations (Y2)
    7. [ ] Show grid lines
Colors and Styles

Same as Column Chart

  1. Title and Subtitle
    1. Chart title
    2. Chart subtitle
  2. Y-Axis
    1. Y-axis label
    2. Y-axis format
    3. Y-axis font size
    4. Y-axis data values font size
    5. Y-axis max value
    6. Y-axis min value
    7. Y-axis step value
  3. X-Axis
    1. A-axis label type
    2. X-axis label
    3. X-axis angle
    4. X-axis label font size
    5. X-axis data values font size
  1. [ ] Show legend
  2. [ ] Show legend border
  3. [ ] Show variable names
  4. Legend font size (int)
  5. Legend placement [left, right, top, bottom]
Advanced Statistics
GadgetSubtypeConfigurationParametersRight Mouse Button Menu OptionsUser Guide
Advanced StatisticsLinear Regression [10]Variables
  1. Outcome variable (list of all variables)
  2. Fields (list of all variables) multi-select
  3. Dummy variables
  4. [ ] No intercept
  5. Weight (list of all variables not in 1 or 2)
  6. ‹Make Dummy›[8]
  7. ‹Clear Terms›
  8. Interaction terms 
  9. Confidence limits [90%, 95%, 99%]
  1. Send gadget to back
  2. Close this gadget

  1. Title and Description
    1. Gadget title
    2. Gadget description

Logistic RegressionVariables
  1. Outcome variable (list of all variables)
  2. Independent variables (list of all variables) multi-select
  3. Match variable (list of all variables)
  4. Dummy variables
  5. [ ] No intercept
  6. Weight (list of all variables)
  7. ‹Make Dummy›
  8. ‹Clear Terms›
  9. Interaction terms 
  10. [ ] Include missing values
  1. Send gadget to back
  2. Close this gadget

Complex Sample FrequenciesVariables
  1. Frequency of (list of all variables)
  2. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  3. Stratify by (list of all variables)
  4. PSU[14] (list of all variables)
  1. Copy data to clipboard
  2. Send data to web browser
  3. Send data to Excel
  4. Send gadget to back
  5. Close this gadget

Complex Sample MeansVariables
  1. Means of (list of all variables)
  2. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  3. Stratify by (list of all variables)
  4. Cross-tabulate by (list of all variables)
  5. PSU[14] (list of all variables)
  1. Copy data to clipboard
  2. Send data to web browser
  3. Send data to Excel
  4. Send gadget to back
  5. Close this gadget

Complex Sample TablesVariables
  1. Exposure (list of all variables)
  2. Outcome variable (list of all variables)
  3. Weight (list of numeric variables)
  4. Stratify by (list of all variables)
  5. PSU[14] (list of all variables)
  1. Copy data to clipboard
  2. Send data to web browser
  3. Send data to Excel
  4. Send gadget to back
  5. Close this gadget


  1. Mouse option items listed in gray indicate methods involved in the positioning or display of the gadget on the Canvas, as opposed to methods for moving or processing data.
  2. A pair of square brackets enclosing a space in monospaced font, "[ ]", indicates that the option or feature to the right is controlled by a checkbox.  A "check" enables the option; absence of one indicates that the option is disabled.
  3. A variable type enclosed in parentheses in monospaced font indicates the type of input the field requires (e.g.(int) = integer, (float) = floating-point,  (text) = text string).
  4. The two colored squares represent the high and low color values of the gradient.  The color values are selected by the user with a standard Window custom color chooser.  A gradient is created by interpolating between the two colors.
  5. Monospaced numbers in square brackets indicate the range of allowed values for an input field.  User input drawn from a finite list of text or integer values is typically handled by a pull-down menu, although a simple input field may be used if the number of possibilities is large.
  6. Color palette options: Atlantic; Breeze; ComponentArt; Deep; Earth; Evergreen; Heatwave; Montreal; Pastel; Renaissance; SharePoint; Study; and Vibrant A, B, and C. 
  7. This menu item, "Selected Chart:", is non-functional and for informational purposes only. 
  8. Words in angle quotes represent buttons that typically perform an operation when activated.
  9. Except as noted in [10], all Analysis Gadgets use the same Data Filters parameters that are shown for Line List. These parameters will not be repeated for the remaining Analysis Gadgets.
  10. Linear Regression is the only Analysis Gadget without its own Data Filters section.
  11. All Advanced Statistics gadgets use the same abbreviated Display options.
  12. With the cursor hovering over an Analysis Chart Gadget, the menu displayed when activating the right mouse button typically has the options as listed for Column Chart.  If nothing is listed for a chart type, assume the same options as those from Column Chart apply.  If the right mouse button menu options differ in any way, the entire menu for that gadget type is listed.
  13. The parameters for Variables, Grouping and Sorting, and Legend for other chart gadgets are typically the same as those used for Column Chart.  If the parameter row is absent for a particular gadget type, one can assume the same options apply.  When a parameter group differs in a particular gadget, the entire set of parameters will be listed for that group.
  14. PSU: Principal Sampling Unit.

Each gadget has its own delete, collapse/expand, and configuration buttons; these are the only controls that can be accessed exclusively through the Canvas. The Options Menu and the Data Filters and Defined Variables tools are available from the Canvas and Toolbar. Gadgets can be positioned manually or automatically placed in a vertical stack. Gadget dimensions are content-dependent and cannot be resized manually.

NutStat Growth Charts

The NutStat gadgets are configured differently from the gadgets for statistical analyses. Instead of the large configuration panel with multiple pages of options described in the previous table, NutStat gadgets are configured from a relatively small panel on the Canvas. This panel is labeled "Growth Chart Parameters"  and remains in place once the chart is rendered. There are minimal options for configuring the chart display; the user may disable legend display and use of color, and can change chart orientation and switch between "customary" and metric units.  The remaining controls are five pull-down menus for identifying the data fields to be used in rendering the graph (Patient ID, Gender, dimension X, dimension Y, and Patient ID to plot, where dimensions X and Y are the defining characteristics of the chart [e.g., Age and Height]).  Most charts plot one bodily dimension (e.g., height, weight, BMI) against the subject's age, although a few plot two dimensions against each other (e.g., height vs. weight).  In either case, creating a chart begins with plotting a series of reference curves that represent the distribution of the reference data by percentile (e.g., 1st, 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, 97th, and 99th)  for that chart (e.g., WHO Child Growth Standards - Height for Age [Male]). Next, the source data are used to plot the dimensions of a single individual at multiple points in time, allowing that individual's growth curve to be compared to the standard.

The distinguishing characteristics of the available NutStat growth charts are summarized in the following table.

Configuration of NutStat Growth Charts

DatasetTargetReference Range[1]X-Axis [2]Y-Axis[2]X-Axis Units, CustomaryY-Axis Units, CustomaryX-Axis Units, MetricY-Axis Units, Metric
CDC 2000 Growth ReferenceChildren, ≥ 2 yrs2 - 10 yrs

AgeHead CircumferenceMonthsInchesMonthsCentimeters
WHO Child Growth Standards

Children, 0 - 2 yrs

0 - 5 yrs

AgeHead CircumferenceMonthsInchesMonthsCentimeters
AgeArm CircumferenceMonthsInchesMonthsCentimeters
WHO 2007 Growth Reference

5 - 20 yrs

CDC/WHO 1978 Growth Reference

2 - 10 yrs



  1. The Reference Range refers to the range of ages over which the reference curves are drawn, a reflection of the ages at which participants were measured.
  2. In the Options Menu, the individual chart gadgets have an unusual naming convention: <dimension-Y> for <dimension-X> (e.g., "Height for Age", "Weight for Height", etc.).  In this construction, the Y-axis, or dependent variable, comes first, followed by the X-axis, or independent variable.

Functional Requirements

Each gadget has its own delete, collapse/expand, and configuration buttons; these are the only controls that can be accessed exclusively through the Canvas. The Options Menu and the Data Filters and Defined Variables tools are available from the Canvas and Toolbar. Gadgets can be positioned manually or automatically placed in a vertical stack. Gadget dimensions are content-dependent and cannot be resized manually.

When the Canvas is in Analysis mode and the gadgets are visible, each gadget shall enable the user to:

  1. reopen its configuration window by clicking on the gear icon at the upper right (white gear on purple background),
  2. collapse or expand the gadget by clicking on the triangle icon at the upper right (white triangle on gray background),
  3. permanently close the gadget by clicking on the "X" icon at the upper right (white "X" on red background), and
  4. open a menu by clicking the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the gadget that gives options for saving to a file, copying to the clipboard, or sending to Excel or a web browser, or saving gadget data as text or a graphic image.

Future Development

Gadget Options

  1. There is inconsistency in the location of "Show Gridlines" checkbox:
    1. Column Chart places the checkbox under: Colors and Styles→Styles[ ] Show grid lines, whereas
    2. Line Chart places the checkbox under DisplayOutput Options[ ] Show grid lines.
  2. The right mouse button menu for the Column and Line Chart gadgets have a non-functional item, "Selected Chart:", which appears to be for informational purposes only.  If so, it should also display the name of the selected subgraph to its immediate right, informing the user of the data source for the next three operations on the menu.  In the Column and Line Chart Variables configuration, the first variable is the main variable and the second has the prompt: "One graph for each value of:" <VariableName>.  The subgraphs are named for the main variable followed by each value of the second variable. For example, if the main variable is Age and the second is categorical, taking on the four values, [Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum], the subgraphs would be named Age - Fe, Age - Fi, Age - Fo, and Age - Fum.  Thus, when the mouse is located over the first subgraph, the complete text of the (non-selectable) menu item should be either "Selected Chart: Age - Fe" or simply "Selected Chart: Fe".  See note [7] under the Configuration Options for Analytical Gadgets table.
  3. Linear Regression is the only Analysis Gadget without the ability to configure its own (local) Data Filters.  Since there is nothing unusual about the statistics for linear regression that would warrant the exclusion of local data filters, this is presumably an oversight.  Data Filters should be enabled for Linear Regression in the next bug-fix release.
  4. In the NutStat Growth Chart Properties panel, the behavior of the Units menu (options: "Customary" (default) and "Metric") is misleading and poorly documented.
    1. For example, in WHO Child Growth Standards - Weight for height, switching to "Metric" changes the axes from pounds and inches to kilograms and centimeters, respectively, yet the prompt for the X-axis field selection menu remains, "Height field (inches)" while the Y-axis prompt is appropriately neutral ("Weight field:"). The mismatch between the X-axis menu prompt and the X-axis label on the actual chart suggests that the gadget might do the unit conversion on the source data internally, but it does not. Instead, the reference data are adjusted to the new units, while the source data values are unchanged but plotted on the new metric scale.  If the source data originally fell between the standard curves, the result is that the source data are offset by a factor of 0.39, the number of inches per centimeter.
    2. To fix this and configure a NutStat chart, the user shall first be prompted to select Metric or English (Customary) units.  Once set, the prompts for the dimensions height, length, weight, and head and arm circumference shall reflect the units appropriate for the chosen measurement system.  BMI is an unusual case because its dimensions are by definition kg/m2. The units menu shall be disabled unless at least one of the axes has linear (height, length, or circumference) or mass units.
  5. NutStat gender field coding instructions are misleading
    1. The prompt for the Gender field selection menu has a parenthetical comment, "must be coded M/F".  If the user interprets this to mean that the field must be a Comment Legal field with values "M - Male" and "F - Female", the gadget will silently accept the field but erroneously interpret both values as M or Male.  In fact, the field type must be text with Male and Female coded as M and F, respectively.
    2. To fix, the parenthetical comment in the Gender field prompt shall be modified to read, "Must be text variable with values M or F". 

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