Performance Requirements

RequirementPerformance Requirements
JIRA Tasks

EIR-41 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The performance requirements of Epi Info™ 7 are...



IEEE Software Requirements Specifications Std 830-1998
5.3.3 Performance requirements

This subsection should specify both the static and the dynamic numerical requirements placed on the software
or on human interaction with the software as a whole. Static numerical requirements may include the

a) The number of terminals to be supported;
b) The number of simultaneous users to be supported;
c) Amount and type of information to be handled.

Static numerical requirements are sometimes identified under a separate section entitled Capacity.

Dynamic numerical requirements may include, for example, the numbers of transactions and tasks and the
amount of data to be processed within certain time periods for both normal and peak workload conditions.

All of these requirements should be stated in measurable terms.

For example,

	95% of the transactions shall be processed in less than 1 s.

rather than,

	An operator shall not have to wait for the transaction to complete.

NOTE: Numerical limits applied to one specific function are normally specified as part of the processing subparagraph
description of that function.